The Office
I have been providing dental care to our community since 1978, and take pride in maintaining a technologically update practice during that time.
Covid 19 is here. We have restructured our patient flow to minimize contact between families coming and going within our office. Sanitization (sterilization) is a part of any medical practice’s daily routine. To this end, new products have been implemented to eliminate the Covid 19 virus from any surface you or my staff may come in contact with.
Upon entering the office you’ll have your temperature taken, and provided hand sanitizer (to counter all the surfaces you touched before entering the office). When seated in the dental chair you’ll be asked to rinse your mouth with a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution (it’s minty flavored). This will kill the “bugs” that live in your mouth and thereby minimize contaminated spray into my office environment. You’ll notice the heppa filter air circulator nearby.
We are a very “social” office. In the past your family and friends were welcomed when you came for an appointment. Today, however, please only those of you with appointments should come into the office.
The “bubble” I have created is important not only for your safety, but for the well being of my staff and their families. Dental care is an essential service which you should be comfortable receiving.