

Welcome to the 21st century. The ART of tooth alignment has taken a massive technological step forward with the continuing advancement of aligner treatment.

Aligners are nearly invisible, as long as you brush them everyday (which you can do when you brush your teeth). Aligner therapy can adjust your teeth and jaws in the same way that braces do, as long as you wear your aligners 24/7 everyday (braces are on your teeth 24/7 !). So, a potential downside of aligners; they only work if you wear them. They really are so easy to wear.

Treatment time is pretty much the same for aligners and braces. If you move a tooth from point A to B you need to apply a force. Because you change your aligners on a regular schedule, the forces applied to your teeth are constant and your teeth will move predictably.

Cost. Fees are based on treatment of a particular type of dental and/or skeletal problem. It is therefore the problem’s resolution that sets the fee. There are actually cases where braces cost more than aligners.

Lastly - appointments. There are always fewer aligner appointments. Braces have many parts that need adjustment on a regular basis. To keep the braces activated, forces need to continuously be adjusted (in-office appointments). The force adjustments are built into the aligners. Once you are up and running with your aligners, you may get 4-6-8 or even 10 sets of aligners per appointment. Each set is numbered and follows the preceding set at 1-2 week intervals. You make the change at home without having to come into the office.