Dr Howard has been “working out” forever. He has competed in marathons, half marathons and triathalons. Today, his training partner is his wife, Nancy. Together they run, bike, weight lift, kayak, horseback ride and ski. It’s a great way to spend time together, and be outdoors.
Diet is a daily concern for Dr. Howard. With all the exercise, there is a need to have adequate, healthy caloric intake. Foods high in refined sugar, and carbs, are kept to a minimum. Protein intake occurs twice daily. He believes that proper diet management is important for an ongoing healthy life.
Besides his dental practice, which has been ongoing since 1978, Dr. Howard likes to read (preferring non-fiction), does three crossword puzzles daily, and spend as much time as he can tending his garden (predominantly cactus and succulents).
Nancy and Dr. Howard are “dog” people. Their current “child” is Sunnie, who is a nine year old Golden Retriever. He loves to hike, play catch and most importantly, snuggle.